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Stewart Stevenson (Banff and Buchan) (SNP): I congratulate Mr McNulty. I believe that Fergus Ewing holds the parliamentary record for the longest uninterrupted speech, which took place in committee on the subject of agricultural holdings.
Allan Wilson: I remember it all too well.
Stewart Stevenson: It lasted 32 minutes and the minister remembers it.
I am sure that Des McNulty will have a claim on being the speaker who spoke for the greatest proportion of a debate. I will not put that record in jeopardy. This is exactly the kind of issue that could have been dealt with in committee. The minister and I have traded information across committee rooms on many occasions. As would have happened in committee, I have some specific questions for the minister.
In article 4(2)(c) of the order, on the Control of Pollution Act 1974, there is a change—[Interruption.] Presiding Officer, could you bring Roseanna Cunningham to order—otherwise I, too, will corpse?
The Deputy Presiding Officer: I do not think that her conduct is in any sense discourteous, so she is not out of order.
Stewart Stevenson: I thank her for the brief opportunity to gather my thoughts.
Mr Alasdair Morrison (Western Isles) (Lab): He could sit down if he wanted.
Stewart Stevenson: No, I am not going to sit down. Let me move instead to article 7. What will be the effect of repealing section 36(3)(g) of the Environment Act 1995, as is specified in paragraph (2) of article 7? I would have asked that question in committee.
Article 4(2)(c) stipulates that the third occurrence of "person" in section 30H of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 be amended to "the person". What will be the effect of that?
I must say how much I admire the minister's method of opening and closing brackets. It is done in a style that has no parallel in this chamber.
Finally, is the minister responsible for there being no water in the members' lounge?